Body Wash: Natural, melembabkan, cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.
– Body Lotion:Cepat meresap membuat kulit lembut dan lembab
– Shampoo for Oily Scalp: Untuk kulit kepala berminyak dan sensitif dengan rambut
– Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer : Diuji secara dermatologi mengandung
ImmunoblendTM, cepat kering, mengandung aloe vera dan alkohol 70%.
– Home & Linen Spray: Dapat digunakan di kain, baju, bantal, linen, korden, sofa,
matras yoga, tas, sepatu”
– Body Wash : Moisturizing body wash is a natural, for all skin types.
– Body Lotion : Fast absorbing body lotion has a luxurious creamy texture that will
keep your skin soft and supple.
– Shampoo : Gently formulated for oily and sensitive scalp with normal to thin hair. – Handsanitizer : This dermatologically tested antibacterial hand sanitizer contains
ImmunoblendTM, quick drying formula, contains aloe vera and alcohol 70%
– Homelinen : Use it on : fabric, clothes, pillows, linen, curtains, sofa, yoga mats,
bags, shoes.”